Monday, February 23, 2009

Emilie's Whole Wheat Bread

I love homemade bread. I bought a KitchenAid mixer just over a year ago for that reason. I decided I was going to make homemade bread and not buy it from the store any more. That lasted for about 7 months until it got too hot to turn the oven on. I have been trying to get back into the groove since last fall, but the recipe I used (from the KitchenAid users guide) just wasn't what I really wanted. Sure, it was good for toast, but when it left a lot to be desired. Today I was reading a blog called "My Food Storage Deals" and found this recipe. The author of the blog got the recipe from her friend Emilie (thus the name) and posted it for all to enjoy. And I am spreading the joy. And a joy it is. It is the squishiest homemade bread I have ever eaten. I am hooked! Give it a try and see for yourself!

Emilie's Whole Wheat Bread
Makes 4 8x4 loaves

7 C. whole wheat flour (grind your own if you have a wheat grinder)
2/3 C. vital wheat gluten
2 1/2 Tbsp. instant yeast

5 C. steaming hot water (120-130 F)

2 Tbsp. salt
2/3 C. oil
2/3 C. honey or 1 C. sugar
2 1/2 Tbsp. bottled lemon juice

5 C. whole wheat flour

Mix together the first three ingredients in your mixer with a dough hook. Add water all at once and mix for 1 minute; cover and let rest for 10 minutes (this is called sponging). Add salt, oil, honey or sugar, and lemon juice and beat for 1 minute. Add last flour, 1 cup at a time, beating between each cup. Beat for about 6-10 minutes until dough pulls away from the sides of the bowl. This makes very soft dough.

Pre-heat oven for 1 minute to lukewarm and turn off. Turn dough onto oiled counter top; divide, shape into loaves, place in oiled bread pans. Let rise in warm oven for 10-15 minutes until dough reaches top of pan. Do not remove bread from oven; turn oven to 350 F and bake for 30 minutes. Remove from pans and cool on racks. This recipe can be halved to make 2 loaves.

*Emilie only uses Bakers Secret 8x4 inch non stick pans (which can be found at Smith's grocery store).

**Another tip--when the dough is put into the bread pans, squish the dough softly into the corners of your bread loaf pans. This will make your bread cook more evenly and not have the large lump in the middle of your loaf.

Angie's notes:
*I halved the recipe and it turned out fine. My mixer can't handle that much flour at once.

*I used Pyrex 8.5x4.5 inch bread pans and the bread came out of the pan without any problem.
*I tried to squish the dough into the corners of my pans, but I think I squished too hard and one of my loaves has big dents in the top of it.

1 comment:

Archuletas said...

Thanks Angie, I can't wait to try it. It looks delicious.